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CRM/CDP Behavioral Data Enrichment

  • Customer: Company name confidential
  • Overview: The company is a prominent e-commerce company, sought to improve the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns by leveraging real-time behavioral data to enrich customer relationship management (CRM) insights. To achieve this, the company integrated SegmentHub, a dynamic data management platform (DMP) that analyzes visitor behavior and segments them in real-time. Additionally, a synchronization pipeline was established to connect SegmentHub with Salesforce, enriching CRM data with behavioral insights which unified from web and mobile platforms.
  • Scenario:
    • Behavioral Data Collection: SegmentHub actively collects and analyzes visitors’ behavioral data as they interact with the company’s e-commerce platform across web and mobile devices. This includes tracking their browsing history, product views, purchases, and other interactions.
    • Real-time Segmentation: Based on the collected behavioral data, SegmentHub dynamically segments visitors into different categories in real-time. These segments are created based on various criteria such as browsing patterns, purchase behavior, product preferences, and more.
    • Behavioral Data Synchronization with Salesforce: A synchronization pipeline is established between SegmentHub and Salesforce, ensuring seamless transfer of behavioral data to enrich the CRM database. This integration enables the company to combine transactional and profile information from Salesforce with real-time behavioral insights from SegmentHub.
    • Campaign Success: Enriching CRM data with real-time behavioral insights strengthens the company’s marketing campaigns. By leveraging the combined dataset, the company can create highly targeted and personalized campaigns tailored to each customer segment’s interests and preferences. This results in improved campaign success rates, higher engagement, and increased conversions.
  • Results: The integration of SegmentHub with Salesforce and the enrichment of CRM data with real-time behavioral insights led to significant improvements in campaign success for the company. By leveraging a more comprehensive understanding of customer behavior, the company achieved higher engagement levels and increased conversion rates, ultimately driving business growth and enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Conclusion: Through the integration of SegmentHub and Salesforce, the company successfully enriched its CRM data with real-time behavioral insights, enabling more effective targeting and personalization of marketing campaigns. By leveraging this combined dataset, the company strengthened its marketing efforts, driving higher engagement and conversion rates. This integration underscores the company’s commitment to leveraging data-driven strategies to enhance customer experiences and drive business success in the competitive e-commerce market.

CRM/CDP Behavioral Data Enrichment